Our BizTalk experience...

Extensive, that's the word. In short we offer advanced experience of all BizTalk functional areas and protocols across most systems, scenarios and industries. We can write maps and orchestrations for ridiculously complicated scenarios, although of course much of the skill is in hiding and managing the complexity.

We've seen and solved most problems, and not much surprises us. We know the best practices and design patterns to apply to give the best solution. Our systems exposure includes most ERPs (including SAP, Axapta and Epicor), most CRM and Finance systems, many HL7 applications and thousands of others, and our industry exposure is near comprehensive with a particular focus on health, finance, logistics and shipping.

Our experience even covers peripheral protocols and features within BizTalk, such as HL7, finance-specific protocols, the new ESB Toolkit, Business Activity Modelling, custom development, advanced rules functionality and custom management layers. Additionally we have implemented several interfaces that are truly life-or-death in terms of the consequence of failure.

We also have broad experience of the Microsoft .Net Framework, WCF web services in particular, and most other Microsoft technologies and applications including Dynamics CRM and SharePoint.

We're very happy to provide case studies relevant to your industry on request.

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